Thursday 24 May 2012

2 down

Very happy to be home and will leave the Jurivinski's and their dog BoJangles to their own devices.

Really grateful to Dr Elit for being so patient during the cancer surgery. She could just as easily given up the injectable dye hunt and cut me open. Instead she carefully found each and every lymph node in my groin and removed them with very little, comparatively speaking, tissue damage. (its gonna hurt to sit for a while!) Dr Elit said that she thought I was going through enough and that she wanted to make it as easy as she possibly could. She also came to see me 3 times in 48 hours.

It's funny last time I had a male room mate this time I had two male nurses.

The community nurses have already been here and I'm all set up with mr mew. It was good of them to come at 9:30pm and they were happy to do it

Thanks to karen and Henry for making it possible to come home today. So looking forward to not having an iv that alarms every 10 minutes all night long thanks to how it was put on my a grumpy pre surgery nurse. She was so grumpy that I laughed because I thought she was kidding. Oops.

Hard to believe all this All happened in 48 hours!

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