Wednesday 2 May 2012

The last day or two

Lots of arts and crafts in the land of Schlueter these days. Caleb had an art project for school.

And Emily helped me bejewel Mr Mew my iv pump back pack

She also gave me an elaborate foot bath while I gave my leg a break from the brace. She even has the professional patter down to a tee.

Lunch today was Karen's delicious crab salad bagels and fresca with Emily's raspberry ice cubes. Mmmmm

This is what's inside the Mr Mew backpack. Not so much fun to drag around when it's full.

Karen and the kids have been putting up signs all over town about finding Whiskers. Caleb got a little wet while he was out doing that!

Wet and silly. Soon it was time for my butler to get his best clothes on to go sing at the centre of the square. I was very sad to have to miss this but he gave me a blow by blow account when they got back

Sadly all the bling on the Mr Mew bag fell off over the course of the day so tonight Emily and I took a needle and thread to it. Less chance of waking up with a jewel in a formerly jewelry less area.

Henry came by with some home made keifer (sp) I figure with this massive dose of antibiotics I'm getting I better start socking in the probiotics.

I think the pain is lessening a little and I'm grateful. Tomorrow I meet my home care physio person, hoping its the same lady as before as I really liked her.

There is a surprising amount of paperwork to do with getting things wrapped up for last week and now arranged for the next surgery and I have trouble staying awake for it.

Looking forward to visitors Saturday and Monday. If you want to drop in sometime just give a call or email, I'm not going anywhere till next Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, sorry I have not been reading your blog, but I'm getting caught up. This is a neat diary too, of your days. Life at Schleuters is much like you were used to, except you get served more this time, eh?
    Foot bath, lunch brought, crafts, and singing, Harry purring near by, life is good, eh?

    Love you, ML
