Friday 25 May 2012

Sitting pretty. Not

Edited to add: oops i don't think this got published so the last two may be out of order.

Guess what! My sister's cat Whiskers is back. He somehow hitched a ride from Elmira to Waterloo where he was rescued by Pet Patrol. I guess a lot of stray cats are found near the university because students want a pet for a semester but this time they found our little guy!

It's quite the story. Karen got whiskers micro chipped when he was a kitten but it wasn't placed properly because when whiskers was taken to the vet today and they scanned him they found it way back near his bum. (It should be between the shoulder blades) The vet was just going to stop scanning when it went off! Whew and yay!!

I got a bit of the old cold shoulder from Harrison when I got home last night. He cannot emphasis enough that all this being away over night business has got to stop but today there were lots of smiled and cuddles.

Well it is certainly interesting to have your genital body geography moved about. It's too bad I don't have any gender identification issues because this would have been an excellent time to take care of that. I don't know that there's a whole lot more I can say in polite company except ouch! I do have enough pain relief so don't worry about me. Luckily laying down and sitting in my easy chair are good, other chairs not so much. I think this picture bears repeating

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