Saturday 9 June 2012


Hey what's that?

Why it's the lovely flowers my friends from high school got for me!

They go very nicely with my other pot but we will have to space them out better or my gardening master (Karen) will have a problem! She enjoys symmetry, yes she does.

It was a fun surprise to get the flowers and also a surprise to open the door in my oldest nightie to Donna D and her husband! I figured it was probably my brother. Oh well it was all very civilized I'm sure.

Not so sure how civilized it is to go to a family picnic tomorrow leaking from the top of my leg, but I guess we'll find out cause I'm going even if I have to lay on the couch most of the time!!

And look at this! My friend Kathy came over and sorted through my kitchen! Ever ever so grateful. We should have taken before pictures but I'm sure karen the master gardener can attest that it is nothing short of a miracle!

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