Wednesday 12 September 2012

On the go

Phone call to the cancer centre made. Leaving a message is the best you can do but I feel good that I at least did that.

Today was awesome. Ice cream and shopping with Annette and Ava and Olivia and swimming in the evening with Karen and the kids. Tired but happy. I can tell its going to be a bit of a hurty night because I felt real good in the water but that'll go away again. - the hurt not the feeling good!

Olivia finished my cone and Ava helped Annette with her peanut butter sundae!

Olivia and Ava can both turn their tongues completely upside down!

Seriously Ava's tongue is upside down in the picture below.

Ava is a great date checker and can get things off the highest shelf. She is a mover and a shaker and is going to be with the boy scouts this year as she's tired of sitting around in a circle playing little games and is hoping for more adventurous activities! Go girl!

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