Thursday 25 October 2012

Day 21

Coming into the home stretch now!

What a nice day for Harry and I out on the porch in our bare feet!

Harry really tried to win over the home care nurse while she did my intake today but she was an expert cat ignorer. He's such a good boy. I personally could not resist such a face! The nurse was also a soft talker with an accent and we know how good I am with that! We had a good laugh when I answered the question "Do you have trouble with your hearing?" With "pardon?"

So the drugs are not covered but please don't worry, I have the help I need. Maybe pray some sleep my way cause that would be much appreciated. Dr K wants to see me tomorrow before the treatment and then I'll be down to three!

A few more pictures from the big camera.

Spider man birdie

Here Chippie Chippie Chippie!

1 comment:

  1. Where is a pirate's favorite place to shop?

