Thursday 8 November 2012

Cooper pictures!

I'd better start writing my blog it's already 7:30 pm almost bed time! So far I'm not minding the sleepy head radiation side effect. I'm just so happy to be able to sleep. I wake up a lot just to realize that I'm sleeping and then go back to sleep. (Sorry to sleep brag Karen.)

But hey, first things first. Baby pictures!!

Cooper has a bit of an owie on his lip from being born, just like his mom apparently did too.

Everyone is doing well and I know it's way too early to be doing the who does Cooper look like thing but first I saw Chris right away then I saw this picture and...

there is just something in the eyes that drew me to this picture of my dad in grade seven and then I found the picture of Henry along my meandering way back through the photo gallery path.

Cooper still has lots and lots of time to look like whoever he wants to be!

It was another beautiful sunny day today and I was happy to have the energy to walk Harry again. We missed a few weeks of fall walking but that's a small price to pay for many more years.

For some reason Harry was transfixed by this little red car. Would have happily rubbed up against it for hours if I'd let him!

But mostly we headed back to our usual haunt to watch for the elusive wild turkeys.

Well Harry's doing his sleeping with his nose covered predicting snow bit

Now I just have to convince him to move down and warm up my feet and we'll be all set!


  1. That's ok, you deserve some good sleep! Looks like you and Harry are very cosy! Glad you two are getting out for some walkies!
    Whoever Cooper looks like, he sure is adorable!

  2. Cooper sure was checking out his new world at 4 hours old

    Proud Grampa
