Monday 10 December 2012

Sleepy day

Nice rainy day to stay inside. I do wish that it would snow, I'm looking forward to taking pictures on the snow. Still, it's supposed to be sunny tomorrow and I'll take that! Made out like a bandit at cards again tonight, but my streak will probably end soon.

Still haven't heard about when my appointment to see the cardiologist will be. Hope to hear soon.

Today Harry made friends with the red blanket. In the past he's avoided it like the plague, refusing to sit on my lap unless I move it away.

Let's go straight to the Internet shall we?

I love that someone did this!


  1. I got yer snow right here! (in Calgary)

  2. I got yer snow right here! (in Calgary)

  3. I got yer snow right here! (in Calgary)

  4. Haha! This annoying repetition was brought to you by the "Back" button!
