Tuesday 18 June 2013

Vlad to see you

Today I was visited by the great physio man himself Vladimor. Bobby who I usually see, is his assistant. I like her very much except I have to act more chipper than usual or she thinks I'm sad or down. Harrison loves her beyond all reason so he will be happy to know that my physio continues.

Over all Vladimor seemed pleased with how things are going and approved me going to the gym. He was very big on me taking my rollator not my cane to the gym which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me for a lot of reasons but I guess I should follow directions.

He said we'll continue to work hard on bending (something I never had any problem with) and balance and walking correctly. Walking correctly is something I very much do need help with so although I had kind of hoped I could be left to my own physio devices I'll concede to their kind help. I really can't complain esp since they come to me. SUCH a luxury!

Apparently I need to put my left foot out further than I'm used to. I've hobbled for so long that it will take a good long time to fix this.

Today I walked around the building one and a half times. Once like usual then later post Vlad another half concentrating on kicking the left foot farther.

Bonus flowers in grass hold a very dear place in my heart!

Center-ish or left?

More knitting day pictures still to come another day. Have written a record 1 article per day 3 days in a row and finally did a small movie I promised someone 3 years ago. Had to do this stuff before I can allow myself to do Cooper's 6 month movie!

However I am very happy to present to you a stunningly cute picture of my niece Rebekah from the island of PE:

Are you dead from the cute?


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