Monday 23 September 2013

Art lover

Super fun day! Annette and Olivia picked me up for some Costco shopping fun.

Look at the cute hair cut!

Lunch first.

Olivia said she was going to paint!

Modeling a sweater for Maureen:

Sweet Olivia would always like to buy flowers for her teacher.

I got most of my Christmas shopping done!

Soon it was time to pick up Ava from school.

Lots of cool stuff happened including an awesome walk with Harry and the girls over to my favorite flower garden. That was pretty special for me and my camera. Show you tomorrow I have to get up at yawn o'clock to go see the knee specialist tomorrow. So you'll see more of Ava then.

Olivia did some more painting.

Observe - art as it happens!

Besides my awesome new art I got my cupboards reorganized and floors swept and vacuumed! I'm a very fortunate aunt! You can tell Olivia was here:

Tell you what the surgeon says tomorrow.



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