Sunday 20 October 2013


Church was even more awesome than usual today because this fella was sitting in front of us!

I searched my purse for toys and came up with a pink pirate eye patch.

I was teased with being offered a lot of toys that were then withdrawn. Including the cutest shoes ever. I think he has accepted that I'm a person that's going to show up in his life a lot so I'm getting more smiles these days.

Cooper just started walking on his own a bit! He's worked really hard at it and thought he'd try out my walking aid.

We had planned to do a photo shoot in a pumpkin patch yesterday but got rained out. So we had a little impromptu shoot in the lobby!

Mostly Cooper tried to eat the decorative corn and I wished for my other camera.

But we still got some cute ones because it's pretty much impossible not to around Cooper!

Remember how he was teasing me with his toys during church? Never once gave me one, but suddenly he actually gave me his soother and I was supposed to put it in my mouth. If it was a test I failed because I only pretended!

After church Maureen and I headed to Guelph for more fun. We went to the Wunzie k cup store for more coffee to try out. I can't even tell you how happy I am with my Keurig! So. Much. Fun!

Speaking of fun...

We had a little visit with Augie too!

Bull dog full on photo bomb!

Harry was raring to go when I got home and I have to say for the most part trotted along really nicely.

Well after he devoured some grass of course.

Nice truck bay eh?

It says An Ordinary Cat can make life extraordinary. Love this mug, thanks Jo, though I'm not sure there's such a thing as an ordinary cat. There are a LOT of other words you can use to describe cats, certainly not all complimentary but ordinary doesn't really apply. And if you think you've got one you need to buy more toys. Or tissue paper. Never met a cat that didn't love diving into tissue paper.

The sweet doublemeow twins continue to live the definition of cute!


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