Monday 13 January 2014

Brown is the new brown

Feeling not too bad. Wild dreams. Ellen Degeneres and I working in the same high rise. We meet up in the elevator. I play it super cool and we head to the grocery store together. She's being pushed through the store in a cart cradling a life sized origami baby while we shop and I'm pretending that's perfectly normal.

Anyway in real life today I learned that just because it's plus 6 feels like 2 doesn't mean you shouldn't dress warmly. If you've got snow pants and there's still snow outside put them on.

The good news was that my red bird hat was warm enough, though just barely.

It was a brownish gray day so I started out looking for colour...


and cute.

But hey brown is okay too.

Even if it makes the snow a little dirty.

Harry was so ready to go out by the time I got back. He took a sniff...

and actually headed halfway across the lawn to the sidewalk before he realized that his feet were still cold.

The snow in the flower bed has receded enough that he could safely get to the chipmunk tree and back.

So it was all good.

It's been a while since we caught up with Mr Cooper. He's not just walking but can dribble a ball all around the house!

Cooper and Graycee are quite a team!


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