Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year's Eve - a break in tradition

Hope you all had a good New Year's Eve. Ours was a bit different.

As usual it was all about the games and food.

Henry and Anne made soup and Karen and Caleb brought sushi.

We had a special wine cooler.

And some pretty fancy wine:

Cooper didn't make it to midnight :-)

And Caleb and his cousin Gordon went off to a youth group skating party. They hadn't been skating long when we got a call that Caleb had tangled skates with another skater and fallen and likely broken his wrist. He was really well supported and taken care of.

Karen and Mike went to pick up the boys and then Karen took Caleb to Grand River. It was very nice to be in contact with them all along and even nicer that the hospital miraculously was not busy! It's often at least a 12 hour wait but they had X-rays and the wrist set in 3 hours!

In the meantime Vivi led us in a rousing game of Go Fish. It was so much fun. Though we pretty much made up the rules as we went.

Then it was time for poker.

Gordon flamed out pretty quickly.

But he joined forces with Henry.

Caleb and Karen rejoined us. He should heal in about 4 weeks. They put him out briefly while they set it. His arm is basically wrapped in a whole lot of gauze now. We will get more info about a cast or whatever another time.

He was kinda grey but in good spirits.

Should put the kibosh on the clarinet for a while but luckily it's his non dominant left hand.

Plotting how they are going to win the "saying Happy Month first" game.

Getting ready for midnight.

I was a split second too late in the Happy month game but I got my high school friends which is where the game originated.

Annette was still in the game but it got too late so she took her little picnic basket and went home.

It was fitting that Karen and Henry (with muse Gordon) were the last two.

In the end Hendon prevailed by the 1:45 am end time arrived.

But not by much!

Today was pretty cold.

But still not cold enough to freeze bubbles.

Come on January you can do it!

I have a bad cough and I wish I could get Harry's reaction to it in video. It really really annoys him and he "talks" at me and makes annoyed sounds in his throat. So funny.


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