Friday 8 May 2015

Title goes here

So of coursed despite yesterday's complaining about heat and bugs I couldn't stay inside.

I put on these attractive ankle bug-protection (in my mind anyway) socks...

and gathered my tools.

Add in my Lee Valley hat and I am a dream.

Ugly duckling stage of lilacs.

The one trillium in the front garden.

Wouldn't have known to look for it but I remember finding it when I followed the Rose Sisters last year.

Drama in the back yard! The Robins that live here...

were not pleased to have a poacher in their territory.

Clearly quietly glaring at blue headed bird was not working.

So a more aggressive approach was employed.


Today's tulips are all flourishing without any help in old flower beds. I have no idea how they have escaped the squirrels who taught me the first year I moved here that they enjoy digging up and eating tulip bulbs like apples.

I guess there are some advantages to growing in rock hard dirt.

This tree is going to let loose any day now:

My pansies are wilting a bit. Hopefully some water and cooler weather next week will help.

Harry stretched out enjoying the AC:

I'm finding this Mother's Day season difficult. I still can't wish my own mother back because I'm so grateful for her release from Alzheimer's but my heart breaks for some dear friends who lost their mother recently and for my nephews and their families who lost this special person.

I'm grateful that there is not a national holiday for sisters to officially remind me of her every blessed commercial. I don't really need reminding. That happens every day without Hallmarks intervention.


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