Wednesday 26 August 2015

Birds and bees

Feeling some better. Turns out while coughing doesn't faze birds, squirrels dislike it almost as much as Harrison does. Although for squirrels it's more of a startling thing whereas Harrison is just mightily annoyed. 

Underwater finches

Ta Da!

Lately I've been playing with video more. I find that it's better to take video on my big camera with the auto focus off and that's tricky because I don't like using the view screen (my camera's default in video) anymore since I'm so used to using the view finder now. Especially when I'm trying to follow birds and bees and focus in on them. I consulted Dr Google and am now in desperate need of a HoodLoupe 3.0 that will cover the view screen and turn it into a viewfinder when in fact when I woke up today I had no idea such a thing even existed.  

Anyway here's some of today's video:


1 comment:

  1. I'll let you take the photos in the bug garden now that the golden-rod is out. Because of my allergies it is safer for me to stay as far away as possible.
    Beautiful as always.
