Monday 3 August 2015

Roomba of doom over Bingemans

I have many awesome pictures to share but I've been working on helping with pictures for my sister-in-law Marcia's dad's funeral so for tonight just the bingemans pictures from yesterday.  

I honest to goodness don't know why I didn't get my good camera out when the sloooooow moving cloud of joy-kill moved in, I had it with me, but the little water camera did a pretty good job. 

The wind kicked up just as we arrived. In our defense it was sunny as we drove there. Weather reports schmeather reports we were going to have fun. 

It was a little cool. 

Last glimpse of the sun:

The life guards saw lightning in the distance and everybody-out-of-the-pool'ed us so Caleb tried to teach us how to play mafia. With our heads bowed and eyes closed it probably looked like we were praying the cloud away. And it did seem forever to finally come our direction. 

But then it did. 

It really did. Still slow motion but meaning business like a super-slow ominous roomba. 

And we didn't need to be told to get out of dodge, but it wouldn't be right to not take pictures along the way. 

Still wasn't raining when we got in the car and headed to my place for games and lasagna. 

And hail!

Very strange hail:
It was disappointing to miss the fun of showing Paul and Shanna the water slides but I don't think we'll forget the way this happened anytime soon. 

Miss them already. 


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